I’m Ananth, from Indiana. Q: My father drinks daily. He has 4 beers per day and1 full bottle of whiskey. How can I get rid of my dad’s habit? My family and I are suffering a lot because of his addiction. Answer Hi, Thank you for writing in with your question; it’s a very common […]
Q: Is a Sponsor mandatory in a 12 step program such as NA or AA? Why is a sponsor important? A sponsor is not a mandatory part of 12 step meetings. Technically there is nothing mandatory in these programs. It is, however, highly recommended to get a sponsor as soon as possible. The idea is […]
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information: Ask A Question Although we have tons of alcohol and drug abuse information already here on our website, you may have a question of your own that you would like answered directly. A lot of people have questions about alcoholism and questions about substance abuse, but they are either too […]