What is Meth? Meth is a very addictive and dangerous stimulant drug, and the side effects of meth can be severe. Meth affects the central nervous system and increases dopamine in reward areas in the brain, causing an almost immediate sense of euphoria. This increase in dopamine leads to people feeling good and wanting to […]
What is Crack Cocaine – The Short Term Side Effects Have you ever wondered: what is crack cocaine? It is a powerful stimulant drug that has been processed into the rock form of cocaine with baking soda or ammonia. Crack is almost always smoked in a glass pipe and gives the user a short, intense […]
So, what is DXM? DXM stands for dextromethorphan. It is often called robotripping. DXM is a cough-suppressing ingredient found in a lot of over-the-counter medications. It can be found as a spray, syrup, tablets, or in lozenge form. At very high doses, it creates a psychedelic effect. At proper doses, it just suppresses a cough […]
What is Phencyclidine? Phencyclidine – what is it, and what is phencyclidine intoxication? More commonly known as PCP, it was initially used as an IV anesthetic drug. The side effects that patients felt after being given the medication led to the discontinuation of the drug. But those same side effects turned it into an illicit […]
What is Cocaine? What do you know about cocaine and the symptoms of cocaine use? Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that produces feelings of euphoria. It is derived from coca leaves, and healthcare professionals used to use it as a local anesthetic. Cocaine can be snorted, smoked, or injected. Many users mix cocaine and heroin […]
What is Vicodin? Vicodin is an opiate, a combination of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Hydrocodone. Vicodin is used for moderate pain relief and is often prescribed after injuries or minor surgical procedures. If you are prescribed Vicodin (or any other opiate), make sure you know the signs of vicodin addiction and get help if needed. What […]
Do you know the signs of drug addiction? Here are some signs that you should watch for. You crave the drug regularly. This can be daily or several times within the day. You cannot stop using the drug no matter how hard you try. You feel compelled to keep a supply stashed away, where you […]
Prescription Pill Addiction – What Gets Abused? Just like an addiction to any drug, prescription pill addiction can affect absolutely anyone. Thousands of suburban dads, moms, teachers, teenagers, and even nurses suffer from prescription pill addiction. Many have died because of this addiction. There are three main types of prescription drugs that usually get abused […]
Do You Need Help For Opiate Withdrawal? Fear of opiate withdrawal symptoms often prevents many people from getting clean and coming off of opiates. In the past, people had to quit “cold turkey” without the help of any other kind of drug. There are now drugs, however, that help for opiate withdrawal. The most popular […]
Important Methadone Facts People must be educated with as many methadone facts as possible before using it or pushing a loved one to use it. Methadone is a synthetic opioid used to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of opiates (heroin, oxycontin, etc.). Methadone binds to the same receptors in the brain that opiates bind to, which […]