Hi Everyone! I'm a public defender and a recovering addict navigating my recovery journey. I created this website to provide information and a place for you to find info and share your struggles & accomplishments. Enjoy!
More and more often, we hear about people consuming alcoholic energy drinks or mixing alcohol with energy drinks when they are going out drinking. This seems to be something that college-aged kids are doing more than other age groups. A very popular drink at bars is Red Bull energy drink mixed with vodka. Not only is this popular to drink at bars, but people also buy energy drinks such as Red Bull to mix with alcohol at home or at parties.
Another alcoholic energy drink that is popular in some places is Four Loko. Four Loko is an energy drink that already contains alcohol. It’s pretty clear why this drink became so popular – it’s basically a Red Bull and vodka, but with a lot more alcohol in it.
What’s The Appeal of Alcoholic Energy Drinks?
When mixing alcohol and energy drinks, people think the combination will allow them to stay up longer and drink more. They believe they will be able to maintain the euphoric feeling that alcohol gives them without getting tired quickly after drinking. People really believe that mixing alcohol with caffeine/energy drinks will make them have more fun in general.
So What’s The Problem With These Drinks?
The problem with alcohol and caffeine is that the caffeine masks the effects of the alcohol. People have started calling Four Loko’ legalized liquid cocaine.’ When a person mixes drugs such as cocaine with alcohol, there is the same effect as if they were mixing an energy drink with alcohol. You become completely unaware of how much you are drinking and cannot judge how much you can drink and still be safe.
This can result in someone drinking much more than they intended.
When this happens, people tend to engage in riskier behaviors and are more prone to alcohol-related accidents and deaths. A study done at Wake Forest showed that students who drink alcohol combined with energy drinks are more likely to sustain negative consequences from their drinking than students who drink alcohol only.
Other Risks Associated With Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Another problem with alcohol and caffeine is an increased risk of alcohol poisoning. Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, causing the body to become even more dehydrated than drinking just alcohol. This can be very harmful to a person’s body and will make them feel much sicker in the morning. Caffeine is also a stimulant, and alcohol is a depressant. Mixing any kind of upper with a downer can be very dangerous. The caffeine will raise your blood pressure and heart rate, while the alcohol tries to do the opposite. This can cause heart problems and can confuse your nervous system.
Bottom line: mixing alcohol and energy drinks of any kind, whether it’s Red Bull and vodka, or Four Loko, which already has alcohol mixed in, is extremely dangerous.
On November 17, 2011, the FDA issued a warning letter to four alcoholic energy drink manufacturers. The letter warned that caffeine is an unsafe food additive when added to their alcoholic drinks. It stated that alcoholic energy drinks are a public health concern and cannot remain for sale.
Protect Yourself By Avoiding This Combination
Unfortunately, even if alcoholic beverage companies aren’t allowed to manufacture alcoholic energy drinks, it is still possible to order Red Bull and alcohol at a bar or mix them together at home or at a party. The combination is dangerous.
If you or someone you know is thinking of combining energy drinks and alcohol, please think twice. I know it might sound silly and dramatic, but it’s the truth, which can be very dangerous. Keep in mind the negative consequences that can come with this combination. If you have a problem with alcohol and add caffeine into the mixture, you may suffer more severe consequences.
Don’t hesitate to call for help if you get into a dangerous or harmful situation.
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