Hi, my name is Rae.
Addicted to Sobriety was born out of my journey through addiction. The passion behind it is fueled by my drug addiction recovery process and my deep desire to share my journey in the hope that I can help even one other person. I have a B.A. in Psychology, as well as a J.D. and I am currently a practicing attorney.
This website provides information about drug addiction and aloholism, as well as other forms of addiction and mental health issues. Most importantly, this is a place for you to feel underestood and know that you’re not alone. Just take it one day at a time.
Drug Addiction Recovery
For the past decade, I have been on this journey. My recovery today looks very different than it did when I first started this website, but I don’t ever want to go back to living the way that I used to live. Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery is a process that can be extremely difficult at times, but it’s so important and I hope this information will be helpful. Many individuals and organizations have helped me during my struggle, and my desire is to give back to those who have supported me by paying it forward to others who still need help. Today, my life is pretty ‘normal.’ I’m married, I have a job, I have a bunch of animals…I like to travel, play sports, and read.
I’m also reliable – when I say I’m going to be somewhere, I’m there. When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. However, I certainly wasn’t always who I am today. When I was using drugs, this is not what my life looked like.
My clean date is August 12th, 2010. My drug addiction recovery isn’t over. My recover journey isn’t over. Recovery lasts a lifetime, and I want to share it with you.
More About Me
To let you get to know me better, I will share my own personal story and experiences. It’s not a short story, so it’s on a separate page. In the near future, I will add more to my story and what my recovery looks like today. I invite you to read my story and those submitted by people just like you struggling with addiction or in recovery themselves.