Addiction & Recovery Stories
Share Your Story is your chance to contribute to this website. I started Addicted To Sobriety in the hopes that by sharing my experiences and offering information, I may be of help to even one other person who is struggling. You can share stories and help too!
To share your story, just fill in the blanks and write your story or thoughts. You can add your name or remain anonymous – whatever makes you feel most comfortable. After you click on the SUBMIT button, we will receive your submission. After reviewing it, it will be published here on the website.
Please note: If you submit your name and/or location, it will be published as you wrote it on the website. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may skip the name line, write “Anonymous,” or provide a pseudonym or pen name.
Regarding your story: We are not able to accept content that is not 100% unique. This means that, if you have shared your story on other websites or on your own blog, while you are certainly invited to do so here as well, please re-write your story so it is unique and not an exact copy of anything posted elsewhere online.
We ask this because the search engines frown upon duplicate content, and if your drug addiction stories or alcohol stories are not unique, we will have to remove them from the search engine index. Since this section of our site is intended to give your story visibility and to help others with similar struggles, we cannot accept stories that are word-for-word copies of other stories on the web because your contribution will not be found by our visitors via internet searches.
To read the drug addiction stories and alcohol stories that others have submitted, scroll to the bottom of this page.