Hi Everyone! I'm a public defender and a recovering addict navigating my recovery journey. I created this website to provide information and a place for you to find info and share your struggles & accomplishments. Enjoy!
You may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms if you have been drinking alcohol excessively every day and suddenly stop. The longer you have been drinking steadily, and the more heavily you drink every day will determine whether you have symptoms of withdrawal and how severe these symptoms may be. Other factors that can determine how severe a person’s withdrawal symptoms include having other medical problems or psychiatric disorders.
Why is it important to know the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal? Who should know what these symptoms are?
Anyone that knows these symptoms and sees them in a friend or family member will be much more able to help that person get the proper help
If you have a problem with alcohol, you should be aware of these withdrawal symptoms.
You need to know them if you are trying to quit.
You need to know them so that if you are experiencing these symptoms at any time, you can determine whether your symptoms are severe enough that you need to seek medical help to save your life.
Alcohol withdrawal can lead to death if it is serious enough and not treated early enough. Not everyone will necessarily go through withdrawal when they stop drinking. Still, most people who have been drinking for a long time or drinking heavily will have some degree of withdrawal, especially if they stop “cold turkey.” For that reason, it is best to consult your doctor before attempting to stop suddenly.
The length of time you will experience withdrawal symptoms differs for every individual. Withdrawal symptoms can be physical as well as psychological.
Psychological Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
Emotional Changes
Extremely emotional with quickly changing emotions
Inability to think clearly
Rapid thoughts
Physical Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Dilated pupils
Difficulty sleeping
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Pale skin
Fast heart rate
Sweating, clammy skin
Involuntary movements of the eyelids
Visual hallucinations
Fever which can become very high
You could experience some or all of these symptoms; it’s different for each person. These symptoms should not be taken lightly. They can lead to dire consequences, even death. Withdrawing from alcohol can be done most safely and painlessly under the supervision of a doctor.
If a medical professional is evaluating you for alcohol withdrawal symptoms, they will probably check you for the following:
Abnormal eye movements
Rapid heart rate and/or abnormal heart rhythm
General body shaking
Rapid breathing
Shaky hands
Blood tests may be performed, especially those to check liver function and possibly a toxicology screen.
If you are ready to stop drinking alcohol, you do not have to do it alone, and you do not have to suffer through symptoms like these without help. A medical professional can make sure you are safe. There are treatments to eliminate or at least decrease the alcohol withdrawal symptoms you are going through. Most importantly, you want to make sure you or the person you are assisting is kept safe.
In addition to the physical withdrawal symptoms, it can be emotionally challenging to stop drinking. Several different aids are available to help you go once you decide to stop drinking:
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